Tuesday, March 17, 2009

If OEN were a political party, what would it be?

If OEN were a political party, what would it be like?

I have no problem with stating that the people that publish on OEN, and some that do not but make comments are far above the average in either party. I would bet on the average, they are much better educated, far better read, and a good deal more sophisticated. I read recently that only 25% of the applicants that try to join the military are turned down, either for education or physical condition. Is it any wonder that we have in the United States Congress the type people we have been saddled with, when in fact the electorate is so poorly informed, under educated, and therefore unable to understand the issues? Oh, only if OEN were a political party. But wait---------who would have been our candidate for the recent election? Certainly Obama had a lot of support, but he has also had his many detractors, with some calling him a pawn of a secret society that has brought about the present financial disaster. There are also people that supported, Paul, McKinney, Nader, Kucinich, and others that I forget, so how would this diverse group ever agree on a candidate? There is disagreement on almost every issue that one would wish to discuss in the political arena, from choice, stem cell, climate, bailout, and the list goes on. How then, if this above average group of people cannot agree, can we possibly expect the average “Joe” to understand the issues and therefore play a meaningful part in government, part of which is electing their representative and then following how that person performs?

Business feels threatened by labor, and labor feels business considers them as disposable. The free market contingent sees regulation like the Baptist Church sees dancing and yet we see this financial disaster that has resulted in part from lack of regulation. There is disagreement with people making over $250,000 over taxes, those that favor and those against stem cell research, choice, marriage, evolution, health care, and the list goes on and on and on. Not only is there disagreement with almost any issue one cares to lay on the table, there is an extreme amount of harsh rhetoric, right down to pure hate. People are mad as hell about a multitude of issues and as this economy grows worse, there will very well be violence. Many comments on OEN have included guns and the use thereof. There have been many comments that in a less free society that would be considered tyranny and the person would be subject to arrest. So, how do we bring the country back together so that we can solve some of the most critical issues facing us?

When the President gave his acceptance speech, he spoke about a “call to service” and I heard that call very clearly. My problem was, and is, what can a 67 year old man of average intelligence and average means offer? I considered the Peace Corps but wonder what I could really offer, as besides owning a few businesses, being a bar tender and boat captain, I have not that much to offer. Last year while traveling in Vietnam, I met a lady that was there with Habitat but found out that she had paid roughly $4000 for the trip. If both my wife and I went, that would be $8000. I have also thought that maybe I was looking too far a field, too ambitious with my desire to help, and maybe needed to look a bit closer to home. I am a substitute driver for meals on wheels, and I do support a program that feeds school children in need of meals on the weekends, and I can give $25 here and there but it does not really seem enough, not big enough, not important enough to satisfy my desire to help------but maybe the very small things could develop into something much larger if we all did just a few small things. Maybe also, we all need to let our anger be aimed at the reality people will go to bed tonight hungry, or those that sleep in the street, instead of each other. Perhaps in the constant game of “whose fault this is”, we could accept the problems and work together for solutions. Maybe if we treated each other’s opinions with a bit more civility, we would find that we are more alike than different. Maybe if a few started, then more would follow, and real change could happen. But, for real change to come about, we must learn to believe it can really happen and avoid the rhetoric of the “end is here”. But if the writers on OEN cannot do it, then how can we expect the Congress and the average “Joe” to get it. There was a small merchant in a small Alabama town that recently gave his employees $16,000 in $2 bills and asked that they spend it to help the economy but also give 10% away. There is a cafĂ© in another state that feeds people and if they can, they pay and if not they still eat. These are people making a real difference.
The President said loud and clear, “we are the nation that put a man on the moon, invented the automobile, airplane, and transistor and fought a world war on two hemispheres”. We can move this country into a new era if we have the will but it will depend on us becoming more civil, more compassionate, more charitable, and a desire to want a brighter future for everyone. We can do this.

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