Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now is our time

Is it the fact that this is such an historic election that the turnout is so great; or is there something else going on? I voted for the first time 44 years ago and I have never seen the same sort of feeling that people are expressing across the country. No doubt, the young voters are turning out in mass and that is maybe the most positive sign of all, for these voters are the future, not only of this country but also of the world. After the last sad, corrupt, and depressing 8 years, people are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not for a minute do I believe that the hopeful election of Barack Obama will solve the many problems we are facing, but at least perhaps the healing can begin. Healing our economy but also healing us, and at the same time contributing to the health of the rest of the world. Tomorrow this election is over, and regardless of the outcome, history will have been written. The ads will be over, the debates, signs will come down, campaign offices across the country will shut down, and people will return to their more normal routines. The economy will still be bad, troops will still be in Iraq and Afghanistan, and people will still be dealing with job loss and no health care. There is a lot of work ahead and if the Obama Administration is to be successful, it will take us all to be part of the solutions. We are going to have to take a new approach to things, in that we are going to have to begin to solve problems on the local level, and not always expect “them” to do it. We are going to have to begin giving our time to local needs, without expectation of “what is in it for me”. We are going to have to work on helping those on the bottom, to find a way out of poverty and thus become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Young people will need to think anew about public service, and instead of a rush to get to Wall Street, work on main street a few years giving back.
Even though our country has been severely injured from the last miserable 8 years, there is a sign of change that is sweeping the country, a sign of hope, a belief once again that America can still be great. There are those that are frightened by the election of Obama and those people must be made to feel comfortable in an Obama Administration, for if they are not, we are leaving out and losing a very important part of our society. Just like those on the bottom, the people that vote for John McCain, need to know that their security is just as important as anyone else’s, and they will not be asked to do anything that will destroy their peace and happiness. We have to face some highly divisive issues, and we must make sure that all voices are heard and that everyone’s position is acknowledged. If we can come together, realizing that it is ok to disagree on some issues, but in the end, as Obama has so eloquently put, “we are not just Republicans, or Democrats, black, white, urban, or rural but we are all Americans and together we can accomplish anything. There will be people over the next weeks that will damn either candidate, feed on negativism, offer nothing other than some absurd position that will be completely irrelevant. These people will be like the flu, in that they will be out there but like the flu will also disappear. As Barack Obama has said, “now is our time” and it is our choice what we do with it.

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